This script is for Slackware 13.1 only and may be outdated.

SlackBuilds Repository

13.1 > System > kvm-kmod (2.6.37)

KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine) is a full virtualization solution
for Linux on x86 hardware containing virtualization extensions
(Intel VT or AMD-V). KVM is divided into the KVM-KMOD package
(kernel modules) and the QEMU-KVM package (slightly modified QEMU)
which are both available as separate Slackbuilds.

KVM-KMOD consists of a kernel module, 'kvm.ko', that provides the
core virtualization infrastructure and a processor specific module,
'kvm-intel.ko' or 'kvm-amd.ko'. Slackware provides these modules
in the 'a/kernel-modules*' packages. In most cases, the provided
versions are sufficient to run QEMU-KVM. KVM-KMOD is only needed
if you want to change the KVM modules to a different version.

KVM-KMOD updates the modules without overwriting the ones provided
by Slackware. If you uninstall KVM-KMOD, you will need to run
'depmod -a' to regenerate the modules.dep and map files to regain
access to the Slackware provided versions.

You need to have a "kvm" group on the system in order to use this.

Maintained by: Stu Miller
Keywords: qemu kvm modules,kvm qemu modules,kvm,qemu,module,kvm qemu module,kvm kmod qemu,kmod,kernel,virtual,machine,module
ChangeLog: kvm-kmod


Source Downloads:
kvm-kmod-2.6.37.tar.bz2 (68dffcae4d0cee9d280b82760031b531)

Download SlackBuild:
kvm-kmod.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Individual Files:

Validated for Slackware 13.1

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