This script is for Slackware 12.1 only and may be outdated.

SlackBuilds Repository

12.1 > Network > ndiswrapper (1.53)

ndiswrapper - wrapper for NDIS drivers

Some vendors do not release specifications of the hardware or
providea linux driver for their wireless network cards. This
project provides a linux kernel module that loads and runs NDIS
(Windows network driver API) drivers supplied by the vendors.

Be sure to read the INSTALL file in the package's documentation
directory for instructions on configuring your wireless card.

If you'd like to build the module for a kernel that isn't currently
running on the system, you should be able to pass that kernel's
"uname -r" output on the command line as the value of KERNEL, as in:
KERNEL=2.6.25 ./ndiswrapper.SlackBuild

Maintained by: Robby Workman
Keywords: wifi,ndis,wireless,windows,driver
ChangeLog: ndiswrapper


Source Downloads:
ndiswrapper-1.53.tar.gz (f2cd9737ec27480b00e488b270e7885a)

Download SlackBuild:
ndiswrapper.tar.gz.asc (FAQ)

(the SlackBuild does not include the source)

Validated for Slackware 12.1

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